Workshop booking form – Economy

PCQ data usage policy (available here): 

Your information will be submitted to PCQ and stored securely.  You data will be processed for the purpose of your workshop repair.  We will respond to you with your provided details and log/record your notes/communications/repairs/charges to a client record you may access at any time. We will not share with 3rd parties. Once your workshop repair has been completed you may receive a follow up email 14 days later to check all is well and to give feedback.  We will not market to you and will only communicate using your supplied details if there is a justified reason to do so. Your digital record with PC-Q with be retained with no intended end-date to provide professional communication and work-logs. Any hard copies of your data with be destroyed within 60 days of completion of work. PCQ both understand the need to protect your data and is working to the methodology of the GDPR (General data protection Regulation).  You may request access to the data we hold for you, as we provide web-portal access by default for your to check/amend the data we hold and you can request no contact from us.


Workshop terms:

Equipment and data risk: PCQ will take all reasonable care to mitigate risks for data loss but cannot be held liable. Devices left in our care are left at your own risk.  For your peace of mind: we are fully insured and have a banking grade monitored Category-3 alarm system and CCTV. We do not offer a “No-fix No-fee” policy as we believe all repairs can be done, unless it is uneconomical to do so, and we will advise you promptly and honestly in the event and we may assist with lowering charges-to-date depending on time-spent -or- provide an offset against replacement equipment.

Additional charges: Should your repair require more time or parts PCQ will always discuss/confirm any options and seek consent to prior to proceeding.

Labour: Time spent/charged for is a estimated “attended time” for an engineer to have worked on your machine.  We do not charge for bench time.  For example diagnostics may require 4-6 hours to complete, this will normally take 15 minutes to be setup and for the results to be checked and we only count the engineer time.

Major data loss or infection repairs: For ease of the client and reduced repair fees/time PCQ will aim to repair a system as it stands rather than perform a re-installation.  This has the benefit of all programs/settings/preferences being as you had it before your fault developed.  The downside is whilst PCQ will take all reasonable care to test/check for any problems if major repairs have left issues we will try to assist you remotely (remote support) or if it continues to be an issue suggest a “Backup/Format Clear/Re-Installation” of your system at a additional, but reduced fee for time and licencing cost.

Disposal: Should any hardware require disposal PCQ reserve the right to advise of fees as it would be classed as commercial waste. In respect to hard-drives and data storage, PCQ can offer a purge-service but always advise clients to retain storage devices themselves (and to personally destroy). If you choose PCQ to dispose of your electronic waste, we only use registered waste-handlers which provide data-assurance as per ICO standards.